New Year's Resolution: Tackle Tinnitus

Tinnitus can be addressed in ways that lessen its impact on your life. Effective treatment, which often depends on the underlying cause, can range from earwax removal, hearing technology, or sound devices, to medication adjustments, lifestyle changes, or interventions such as tinnitus rehabilitation or cognitive behavioral therapy.

Relief also could come in the form of habituation, in which the brain adapts to tinnitus such that symptoms don’t negatively affect your life. Sound therapy can be a big help in that approach. In some situations, surgery is recommended to correct an underlying issue — an acoustic neuroma or benign tumor along a hearing nerve, for example — may help resolve tinnitus symptoms.


2. It May Point to a Serious Underlying Issue

Tinnitus is more of a symptom than a condition. It can have a number of causes, including:

  • Earwax blockage
  • Some medications, such as antibiotics
  • Ear infections
  • Head injury
  • Dental problems
  • Barotrauma
  • Excess noise exposure
  • Blood vessel disorders


It also can go hand in hand with problems such as hearing loss or stress. A comprehensive evaluation can help you understand any underlying issues, work with the provider on a treatment plan, and follow up with any potential referral to a specialist if needed to address a medical matter contributing to the tinnitus.


3. You Deserve Good Health

In the bustle of life, it’s not uncommon to put health needs last. And though health-related goals often occupy one or more of the top spots in New Year’s resolutions, only 9% of resolvers follow through on their intentions.

So how can you take that first step toward more control over the sounds you hear? Visualize what freedom from tinnitus symptoms looks like in your life — at home, work, and play — and use that motivation to take action now. You deserve good health.

You don’t have to live with unwanted noises in your head or ears. Make 2023 the year you triumph over tinnitus. Relief can come in many options, but it starts with a professional evaluation. So don’t wait. Contact our caring team for more information today!

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